Photos from a trip to the Fancy Food Show in S.F. Pix from SF trip29 Aug, 2011 in Food / Photo tagged Fancy Food Show / Ferry Building / San Francisco by john (updated 2758 days ago)
Such and such tech event is coming up next month. Check it out . Blah blah blah. 27 Aug, 2011 in Tech tagged tech event name by john (updated 2948 days ago) | Open »
Lenticular Displays in London Underground: Matrix Reloaded, May'03 Matrix Reloaded Lenticular26 Aug, 2011 in Photo / Tech tagged Lenticular / London / Matrix by john (updated 2911 days ago)
A simple panning rig for taking time lapes photos with the iPhone. iPhone time lapse panning rig26 Aug, 2011 in Photo tagged iPhone / time lapse / Ventura by john (updated 2948 days ago)